CLEAR Cookies and Caches in Chrome

What is a cookie?

Not a delicious sweet treat (in this context at least)

A cookie is a temporary file stored on your computer that is used to track activity in your web browser. Cookies can be used for a variety of reasons, some good and some no so legitimate. Some examples of good cookies can include:

What happens when a cookie is bad?

Cookies can sometimes get corrupted or are not cleared correctly by the website that generates them and as a result the browser can get confused. An example of a bad cookie is the password reset screen constantly appearing for the school systems even after the password has been reset. Edumate can often exhibit some strange behavior with bad cookies, normally related to the markbook or learning tasks screens.

What do I do to fix cookies?

The following instrucitons apply to Google Chrome, the supported browser at PLC Armidale

NOTE: You will be prompted to sign in to your PLC services again, this is expected behaviour as the file recording your sign in to school systems has just been removed during this process

What is a cache?

A computer cache is a temporary location for storing data for faster retrieval. A browser cache stores files from regularly visited sites in a hidden location on the computer instead of downloading from the internet each time the files are required. These files can be text, pictures, scripts - any of the components used to build the websites you see on your computer screen.

What happens when a cached file is bad

Bad cache files can cause some unexpected behaviour in a web browser. Most often this is seen with Edumate not being able to open particular screens, the Markbook and Learning Tasks are the two most common sections that have issues. 

What do I do to fix the cache?

The following instrucitons apply to Google Chrome, the supported browser at PLC Armidale